What did the temperance movement try to do?
The starting time of the temperance movement in the U.S. is like shooting fish in a barrel to understand. The American Revolution, urbanization and other changes caused social and economic bug. These problems emerged along with increasing booze abuse. Every bit a event, many people thought that booze abuse caused these societal problems.
So people began seeking a solution for drinking bug. 1 suggestion had come up from Dr. Benjamin Blitz. He had argued that booze corruption was harmful to health.one His views helped the start of the temperance movement.
Backed by Rush's conventionalities, about 200 farmers in Connecticut formed a temperance group in 1789. Like groups were formed later in Virginia (1800) and New York State (1808). Inside the next decade other temperance groups existed in viii states. Some were statewide groups.2
Temperance Organizations
The temperance motion advocated temperance or moderation rather than forbearance. And its future looked bright. But many of the leaders overestimated their forcefulness. They expanded their goals. Took positions on gambling, profaning the Sabbath, and other moral problems. They also became involved in political bickering. Not surprisingly, their motion stalled past the early 1820s.3
During the early 1800'southward, temperance groups offered ii pledge options. They were moderation in drinking or total abstinence. After those who pledged the preferred total abstinence began writing "T.A." on their pledge cards, they became known as "teetotalers." (4) At least that'southward one theory.
But some leaders connected pressing their cause. The American Temperance Lodge began in 1826. And then did the American Temperance Matrimony. They both benefitted from a renewed interest in organized religion and morality.
Within x years they formed more 8,000 local groups and over 1,500,000 members.5 By 1839, 15 temperance journals existed.6 And many Protestant churches began to promote temperance.
From Temperance to Full Forbearance
Temperance Goals
During the 1830s and 1840s, well-nigh temperance groups began to telephone call for full forbearance from all alcohol. They argued that the just way to prevent drunkenness was to eliminate drinking. So temperance groups tended to become became the abstinence groups.
In addition, new abstinence groups formed. They included the Sons of Temperance, Congressional Temperance Society, Templars of Accolade and Temperance, and the Cadets of Temperance.7
They would later exist joined by many more temperance (abstinence) groups. One of the most powerful would exist the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). With the passage of time, "The temperance societies became more and more extreme in the measures they championed."8
"Root beer" was a temperance product. It was developed to replace beer in popularity… it did not.9
Temperance Techniques
The movement at present insisted that no 1 should be permitted to drinkable whatsoever alcohol. And it did then with religious fervor and increasing stridency.10 Fifty-fifty when compared to the sophisticated use of mass media today, the temperance movement still rivals the best.11
No attempt in our era at mass communications almost booze comes shut to matching the outpouring of materials for the mass audition by the temperance movement in the nineteenth century. For decades the American public was flooded with temperance pamphlets, temperance novels, temperance newspapers, temperance sermons, and temperance lectures. It was the longest sustained and perhaps the largest organized endeavor at mass communication almost a social event that the country has ever seen. 12
Prohibition was Controversial
The prohibition of alcohol by police force became a major event in every political campaign. They ranged from the national and state level down to those for schoolhouse board members. The issue generated deep bitterness.
"Information technology is hard for us today to grasp how profoundly this controversy pervaded every facet of American life for a century. Religious and political political party affiliation were so intertwined with the prohibition event. And feelings ran then high that it became a dominion of polite lodge not to let them in conversation."13
Paving the Road to Utopia
A temperance leader asserted that "This [prohibition] is Christ's work… a holy war." He insisted that "every true soldier of the Cross will fight in it."xiv Understandably, ministers were influential and important to the cause.xv
Many mobilized their flocks past preaching that alcohol was
the neat anaconda, which wraps its coils around home altars to cripple them, to make room for Bacchus. The vampire which fans sanity to sleep while information technology sucks away the lifeblood. The vulture, which preys upon the vials [sic] of the nations. It defies God, despises Jesus Christ, sins confronting the Holy Ghost, which is sinning against light and knowledge. Higher up all it murders humanly. xvi
In promoting what many prohibitionists saw every bit their religious duty, they perfected the techniques of pressure politics.17 Women in the motion even used their children every bit pawns to march, sing, and otherwise
"Use a niggling wine…."
Because the temperance movement began to teach that drinking booze was sinful, it had to face the reverse fact that Jesus drank wine. Its solution was to insist that Jesus drank grape juice rather than wine.18
The Bible says to "utilise a little wine for thy stomach's sake" (one Timothy 5:23). This caused serious bug for temperance writers. They argued that booze was a poison and that drinking it was a sin. So they insisted that the Bible was actually advising people to rub alcohol on their abdomens.19
Afterwards, temperance activists hired a scholar to rewrite the Bible by removing all references to alcohol potable.twenty
exert pressure at polling places. They were oft dressed in white and property tiny American flags almost polling places. When signaled, the children would descend upon known "wets" every bit they neared the voting berth.
The Anti-Saloon League
The Anti-Saloon League stressed its religious character. It was working for God. So annihilation it did was considered moral and justified. After all, it was working to bring almost the Lord'southward will.
Information technology didn't necessarily include the outright buy of a politician, nor did it preclude such a buy if the situation warranted. In general, however, it consisted in swarming into a contested area and bringing every imaginable sort of pressure to bear upon the candidates and officeholders. Of saturating the country with speakers and literature. In laying down a barrage of abuse, insinuation, innuendo, one-half-truths, and manifestly lies against an opponent. And in maintaining an efficient espionage system which could obtain reliable knowledge of the enemy'due south plans.
Sometimes the required force per unit area could be practical through a man's business or professional connections. Once again, something might be accomplished through his family unit and relatives, in which case the local clergyman and the ladies of the Due west.C.T.U. were very helpful.21
Not surprisingly, ane League leader would later write that the lies he told in promoting prohibition "would fill a big book."22
Decades later, their propaganda, potent organization, and political tactics would pay off. They helped in passing the 18th Amendment establishing National Prohibition. A leader of the Anti-Saloon League testified that prior to its passage in Congress, he had compiled a list of xiii,000 business people who supported prohibition. They received their instructions at the crucial time.
Nosotros blocked the telegraph wires in Congress for three days. One of our friends sent seventy- five telegrams, each signed differently with the proper noun of one his subordinates. The campaign was successful. Congress surrendered. The first to bear the white flag was Senator Warren Harding of Ohio. He told us frankly he was opposed to the amendment, just since it was apparent from the telegrams that the business world was demanding it he would submerge his own opinion and vote for submission. 23
The League was and then powerful that fifty-fifty national politicians feared its forcefulness. The 18th Amendment might well non have passed if a underground election had made it impossible for the League to have punished the "ill-behaved" at the adjacent election.24
In this Currier and Ives print of 1848, George Washington bids goodbye to his officers. He has a toast in his hand and a bottle of liquor on the table.
Reflecting the power of the temperance movement, a re-engraved version in 1876 removes all show of booze. Gone is the glass from Washington'due south hand. The liquor supply is replaced with a hat.
Wayne Wheeler
What was written about Wayne Wheeler, Counsel for the Anti-Saloon League was true, to a bottom degree, of many other temperance leaders.
Wayne B. Wheeler controlled six congresses, dictated to two presidents of the United States, directed legislation in most of the States of the Union, picked the candidates for the more important elective and federal offices, held the remainder of power in both Republican and Autonomous parties, distributed more patronage than any dozen other men, supervised a federal agency from outside without official potency, and was recognized by friend and foe alike as the nearly masterful and powerful single individual in the U.s.. 25
Ceremonious State of war
The Civil State of war interrupted the temperance movement. Then, after the state of war, women formed the Woman'south Christian Temperance Marriage. Of course, the group did non promote moderation or temperance but prohibition. One of its methods to accomplish that goal was education. It believed that if information technology could "get to the children" it could create a dry sentiment leading to prohibition.26 The beginning of the temperance motion was well nether way.
Establishment of Mandatory Alcohol Educational activity
Calls for alcohol teaching in the U.S. were heard as early on as 1869. In that year a temperance writer, Julia Coleman, addressed the Fulton Canton (NY) Teachers' Institute on the discipline.27 Similar appeals were fabricated by others over the next few years. In 1873 the National Temperance Social club called for didactics in all school on the evil effects of booze on the human organisation.28
Mary Hunt

At most the same time, Mary Hunt, a former school teacher visited her local school board in Massachusetts. She persuaded information technology to establish temperance education in the schools.
And so, together with Julia Coleman, Ms. Hunt extended the campaign to other schoolhouse districts in the state. They promoted a serial of lessons prepared by Ms. Hunt.29 They also promoted a textbook written by Ms. Coleman.30
Scientific Temperance Instruction
In 1879 Ms. Chase accustomed an invitation from Frances Willard to speak to the WCTU's national convention. Her subject field was "Scientific Temperance Instruction." She presented her vision of "thorough text-volume report of Scientific Temperance in public schools as a preventive against intemperance."31 Ms. Chase became chair of a new standing committee. The following year (1880) a Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction in Schools and Colleges replaced the committee. Ms. Hunt was its national head.32
Mary Hunt used her new position with authorization. She called on each WCTU local to visit its school lath to demand that Scientific Temperance Instruction be taught. Around the land, locals held mass meetings and petition drives. Then they converged on schoolhouse boards to printing their example.
This led Ms. Chase to make an observation. "[T]he school boards of the country … are in a state of siege" at the easily of WCTU members.33 Reflecting her stiff bulldoze, she spoke at 182 meetings in 1880.34
But Mary Hunt was unhappy with the issue. School boards were non as pliant every bit expected. Also it was difficult to remove recalcitrant board members.
Ms. Hunt was having difficulty promoting her temperance instruction. In addition, the prohibition motility was having serious problems as well. During the decade, voters defeated 12 of 20 prohibition laws. As well, states were frequently failing to enforce those bills that did laissez passer.
This led Ms. Hunt to re-think her approach. Voters "must first exist convinced that alcohol and kindred narcotics are by nature outlaws, before they volition outlaw them."35 And students would be the side by side generation of voters. This gave nascency to the idea of the compulsory Scientific Temperance Instruction.36
Mary Hunt'due south Strategy
Mary Hunt's strategy was for WCTU members to force per unit area state legislators. Members also promoted the nomination of pro-temperance candidates.
Ms. Hunt used her strategy first in Vermont. Highly organized members campaigned for temperance candidates. They developed letter writing campaigns. Obtained temperance endorsements from leading citizens. Presented legislators with a drench of petitions. And then they packed open up hearings on a proposed bill.
The strategy worked. The bill passed by a large majority and became law in 1882.37 Ms. Hunt developed tactics used always since by pressure groups.
Results Improved
But Mary Hunt was not entirely pleased with her first effort. The Vermont constabulary was general and vague. She feared that a few lessons presented to a few students could be interpreted as compliance.
Therefore, things were different in the adjacent country entrada. Ms. Chase worked to ensure the law would require temperance instruction be given to all students in Michigan.38 One provision required schools to teach the harmful physical effects of alcohol. Another required teachers to pass a test on the furnishings of alcohol. The Michigan law, passed in 1883, became a model for laws in other states.39
Mary Chase'due south Leadership
Ms. Hunt proved to be a brilliant strategist and leader. Country prohibition laws had not been faring well. Temperance could exist a political minefield capable of destroying a pol. Prohibition of alcohol was an event that shook land politics in the 19th century. Even politicians in favor of temperance didn't desire to alienate voters by proscribing drink.
Children, however, were another matter. By the turn of the century every state and territory had laws mandating teaching the evils of alcohol. Many of these laws were more specific and binding than laws on any other branch of the curriculum.40
Laws Strengthened
Still, Mary Hunt was displeased that many of the compulsory laws were still not stiff enough. Fifty-fifty while she was pressing some states to enact legislation, she was waging campaigns to strengthen existing laws. For example, due to Ms. Chase's connected efforts, Vermont's easily evaded 1882 legislation was amended in 1886. Even the model Michigan human activity was amended to include the same provisions every bit the revised Vermont law. (41) From there, Ms. Chase carried the amendment fight on to other states.
Not surprisingly, many school officials were unsympathetic or resistant to exterior interference. An Ohio temperance activist complained that "schoolhouse examiners, school boards and schoolhouse superintendents are, many of them, indifferent to the police force-ignore it-and are non dismissed." She observed that "no law volition enforce itself." (42)
Monitoring Compliance
Accordingly, Ms. Hunt asserted that "Information technology is our duty not to take the word of some school official, just to visit the schools. and advisedly and wisely ascertain for ourselves if the study is faithfully pursued past all pupils." (43) To this terminate, she asserted that local WCTU members must visit their local schools. At that place, theyy should detect the temperance lessons, examinations, recitations, and textbooks. (44) The WCTU had nigh 150,000 members scattered in communities across the nation in 1892. Thus, it was in an first-class position to monitor compliance.
"When, in an unusual gesture of defiance, teachers in New York State protested a highly prescriptive temperance police force, the WCTU mobilized influential local members to brand certain that teachers were obeying the statute." (45) Not surprisingly, both supporters and opponents used armed services metaphors to describe Hunt'due south organization and methods.
By the turn of the century, the Scientific Temperance Educational activity move directed past Ms. Hunt had proved to exist highly successful. As a result, most every state, the Commune of Columbia, and all U.S. possessions had strong laws requiring anti-alcohol pedagogy. And some textbook authors even prepared dissimilar editions of their books to meet the differing legal requirements of various states. (46)
Furthermore, legions of determined and vigilant WCTU members throughout the nation closely monitored compliance down to the classroom level. Scientific Temperance Pedagogy was now mandatory across the country.
But what did it teach? What beliefs did the temperance move promote? To answer that, we now plow to the astonishing story of Temperance Beliefs and Teachings.
Resources: Showtime of the Temperance Motion in the U.S.
Popular Readings
- Fletcher, H. Gender and the American Temperance Motion of the Nineteenth Century. NY: Routledge, 2008.
- Furnas, J.The Life and Times of the Late Demon Rum. NY: Punam's Sons, 1965.
- Kobler, J. Ardent Spirits. NY: Putnam's Sons, 1973. Fantabulous treatment of the beginning of the temperance movement.
- Krout, J.The Origins of Prohibition. NY: Knopf, 1925.
- Mattingly, C. Well-tempered Women: Nineteenth-century Temperance Rhetoric. Carbondale: Southern Illinois U Press, 1998.
- United Temperance Movement of Wisconsin. Challenge. Madison: The Movement, 1956-1974 (periodical).
- Katcher, B. Benjamin Rush's educational campaign against hard drinking. Am J Pub Health, 1993, 83, p. 275.
- Asbury, H. The Great Illusion. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1972, pp. 28-31.
- Asbury, p. 31.
- Mendelson, J. H., and Mello, North. One thousand. Alcohol: Use and Abuse in America. Boston, MA: Little Brown, 1983, p. 34.
- Furnas, J. The Life and Times of the Belatedly Demon Rum. NY: Putnam,1965, p. 55.
- Cherrington, E. The Anti-Saloon League Yearbook. Westerville, OH: The League, 1920, pp. 98-123.
- Blocker, J. "Give to the Winds Thy Fright." Boston: Twayne, 1985, pp. 67-72. Adept description of the early start of the temperance movement.
- McConnell, D. Temperance Movements. In: Seligman, Eastward, and Johnson, A. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. NY: Macmillan, 1963, p. 569).
- Goshen, C. Drinks, Drugs, and Do-Gooders. NY: Free Printing, 1973, p. 14.
- Royce, J. Alcohol Problems and Alcoholism. NY: Free Press, 1981, p. xl.
- Wallack, L. Mass media campaigns. Wellness Ed Q, 1981, 8, p. 211.
- Room, R. The Prevention of Alcohol Bug. Berkeley, CA: Social Research Group, Working paper F-63, 1977, p. 22.
- Royce, pp. 40-41.
- Furnas, p. 165.
- Schmidt, L. "A battle not man's but God's." J Stud Alco, 1995, 56, 110-121.
- Isaac, P. Prohibition and Politics. Knoxville: U Tennessee Press, 1965, p. 21.
- Odegard, P. Pressure Politics: The Story of the Anti-Saloon League. NY: Columbia U Press,1928.
- Hanson, D. Preventing Booze Abuse. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995, ch 3.
- Edwards, G. Booze. NY: St. Martin's, 2000, p. 167.
The American Mix, 2001, one(i), 4.
- Asbury, pp. 101-102.
- ______, p. 102).
- Pollard, J. The Road to Repeal. NY: Brentano's, 1932, p. 107.
- Sinclair, A. Prohibition. Boston: Little, Brown, 1962, p. 110.
- Childs, R. Making Repeal Work. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Alco Bev Study, 1947, p. 217.
- Sheehan, N. The WCTU and educational activity. Hist Ed Q, 1981, 9, p. 118.
- Mezvinsky, North. Scientific Temperance Instruction in the Schools. Hist Ed Q, 1961, 1, p. 48).
- _________, ibid.
- Ohles, J. The imprimatur of Mary H. H. Hunt. J Schoolhouse Health, 1978, 48, p. 477.
- Bordin, R. Women and Temperance. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U Press, 1990, p. 135.
- Billings, J, et al. Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Problem. Boston: Hougton, Miffin, 1903, p. 21.
- Billings, p. 22.
- Zimmerman, J. "The Queen of the Lobby": Mary Hunt, scientific temperance instruction, and democratic education. Hist Ed Q, 1992, 32, p. two.
- Ohles, p. 477.
- Zimmerman, pp. five-6.
- ________ _, p. half-dozen.
- Mezvinsky, p. 49.
- _________, ibid.
- Bordin, pp. 135-136.
- Tyack, D., and James, T. Moral majorities and the school curriculum. Teach Coll Rec, 1985, 86, pp. 515-516.
- Mezvinsky, p. 51.
- Zimmerman, p. 8.
- Zimmerman, p. ix.
- Hunt, Thousand. A History of the Start Decade of the Section of Scientific Temperance Instruction in Schools and Colleges. Boston: Wash Press, 1892, pp. 53, 58.
- Tyack and James, p. 517. Many teachers resented this intrusion. One WCTU "compliance monitor" reported on teacher reaction. "None of [them] have taken very kindly to the new departure of being watched, questioned or advised by their constituents." (Zimmerman, p. twenty)
- Nietz, J. One-time Textbooks. Pittsburgh: U Pittsburgh Press, 1961, p. 294.
Source: https://www.alcoholproblemsandsolutions.org/beginning-of-the-temperance-movement-in-the-u-s/
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